Zhitro Hearing Liberation Puja Tablet Sponsorship and Offer Candles for Loved Ones

Create a karmic connection for your loved ones living and deceased by making an offering to light a candle in their name to help repay their karmic debt and connect them to the causes of wealth and abundance. Lighting lamps has become a method of making offerings since the Buddha’s time. Among the Ten Offerings (incense, flowers, lamps, ointments, fruit, tea, food, treasures, beads, and clothing), lamps are essential as they symbolize radiance and wisdom. Because the minds of sentient beings are hindered by the afflictions of ignorance, one therefore lights lamps before the Buddhas so that any darkness within can be illuminated by both this light and the wisdom-radiance of the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, giving birth to a wise solution and the perfection of our own wisdom. The Sutra of the Buddhaʼs Explanation for the Layman Śuka of Distinctions in Karmic Retribution (Tune of Brahma Sutra Clarifying Karma) also mentions the ten merits from offering oil lamps or candles to Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, including:

1. You become like a light in the world.
2. You achieve (when born human) the clairvoyance of the pure flesh eye.
3. You achieve the devas’ eye.
4. You receive the wisdom of knowing what is virtue and what is non-virtue.
5. You are able to eliminate darkness of ignorance, the concept of inherent existence.
6. You receive the illumination of wisdom; even in samsara you never experience darkness.
7. You receive much wealth and enjoyment.
8. You are reborn in the deva or human realm.
9. You quickly become liberated.
10. You quickly attain enlightenment.

We will include them specifically in the puja dedications. May the thunderous roar of the wood dragon spread the Dharma for the benefit of all beings!

(Note: Please add the name/s of your living/deceased loved ones in the Comment area for your candle offerings. Please also indicate if they are living or deceased.)

Offer Candles for Loved Ones


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