Take Desire as Your Path with Vishvamata Jenang: Embracing the Divine Feminine aspect of Kalachakra
This is a paid event and will be available both In-person and Online.
In conjunction with the release of Shar Khentrul Rinpoche’s new book, the Tantric Path of Desire, Dzokden and Tibet House US, present a day of intermediate level Buddhist teachings on how to take desire as the path in relation to the Kalachakra Tantra. Tantra is a rich practice that is particularly suited to our time where people are heavily engaged in desires and distraction. In Tibetan Buddhism the tantric path of Vajrayana, engages directly with our desires and emotions in all aspects of our waking and sleeping daily lives as a potent force and technology for personal transformation and rapid awakening.
Part of this path of transformation to enlightenment requires the harmonization and unification of female and male energies within ourselves. The Yab-Yum deity of the Kalachakra mandala is often referred to as Kalachakra but is actually the inseparable union of the ultimate masculine Kalachakra, in union with the ultimate feminine, Vishvamata. Their combined qualities represent the ultimate love, wisdom and compassion fused into immutable bliss and empty form. While tantra does include teachings involving sexuality as a skillful means for transformation, there are more ways in which we can embrace the true energies of the female and male aspect within ourselves to transform our world. Khentrul Rinpoche will give teachings to clarify what these aspects are and various ways to work with them.
Khentrul Rinpoche has agreed to bestow the Vishvamata Jenang empowerment to his students for the first time at the request of Robert Thurman.
While Khentrul Rinpoche welcomes everyone to join who wishes to practice Kalachakra, this teachings is best suited to students who have some basic understanding of the Vajrayana buddhist path, experience with Guru and Deity yoga as well as a flexible mind.
Schedule by Timezone:
Central Europe and South Africa:
SUNDAY October 08, 2023
4:00 PM – Session 1: Vishvamata Jenang
7:00 PM – Session 2: Vishvamata Jenang
9:00 PM – Session 3: Vishvamata Jenang
ADDITIONAL QUESTIONS? email [email protected]
Khentrul Rinpoche
Khentrul Rinpoche Jamphel Lodrö est le fondateur et le directeur spirituel de Dzokden. Rinpoche est l’auteur de Dévoiller votre vérité sacrée, la grande voie du millieu: Clarifier la vue Jonang de l’autre-vacuité, Une vie plus heureuse, et Le trésor caché de la voie profonde.
Rinpoche à passé les vingt premières années de sa vie à élever des Yacks et chanter des mantras sur les hauts plateaux du Tibet. Inspiré par les bodhisattvas, il quitte sa famille afin d’étudier dans divers monastères sous la guidance de plus de vingt-cinq maîtres de toutes les écoles du Bouddhisme Tibétain. Grace à cette approche non-sectaire il a obtenu le titre de maître Rimé (sans parti pris) et a été identifié comme la réincarnation du fameux maître Kalachakra Ngawang Chödzin Gyaltso. Alors que dans le cœur de son enseignement il reconnaît la grande valeur de la diversité de toutes les traditions spirituelles que l’on trouve dans ce monde, il se concentre essentiellement sur la tradition Jonang-Kalachakra. L’enseignement de Kalachakra (La roue du temps) contient la méthode profonde pour harmoniser l’environnement externe avec le monde interne du corps et de l’esprit, ultimement afin d’engendrer un âge d’or de paix et d’harmonie (Dzokden).