The most important aspect of any action is the intention that motivates it, therefore when considering the type of attitude to cultivate, it is necessary to recognise that different attitudes produce different results.
The first step to setting out on any journey is to establish where you are and where you would like to go, and a spiritual journey is no exception. As we all come to the path at different stages of spiritual development, in the beginning it is important to conduct an evaluation of your present conditions. By answering the following questions, you can establish clarity regarding where to focus your time and energy.
Quelle est votre attitude à l’égard de la pratique?
L’aspect le plus important de toute action est l’intention qui la motive, c’est pourquoi lorsque l’on considère le type d’attitude qu’il faut cultiver, il est nécessaire de reconnaître que différentes attitudes produisent différents résultats. A quelle vitesse vous progressez au long de la voie et à quelle distance vous allez aller, tout cela dépend de l’attitude que vous adoptez. Quand on arrive à la pratique de cette voie, vous devez chercher à établir foi inébranlable dans les enseignements de Kalachakra, la lignée détentrice de ces enseignements et les Gurus qui transmettent ces enseignements dans votre vie. Le moins de doute vous avez quant à ces trois aspects, le plus de conviction vous allez générer et plus grand sera l’impact de l’enseignement sur votre esprit. Sur cette base nous pouvons parler des cinqs attitudes propices pour développer les réalisations de la voie de Kalachakra:
1000+ hours
You have a general faith in innate purity of all sentient beings and a desire to familiarize yourself with a spiritual path, thereby establishing the necessary understanding and confidence to adopt one of the higher attitudes described below. This transformation will usually occur over the course of approximately 1000 or more hours of study and practice. During this time, the focus should be on strengthening your faith in the Kalachakra teachings and understanding its approach as best you can.
800 hours
You have strong faith in the vajrayana path as presented by the various traditions of Tibetan Buddhism, demonstrated by your previous practice of the common preliminaries in accordance with one of these traditions. While you may currently feel a particular affinity towards Kalachakra, you view all systems as pretty much the same and do not really hold Kalachakra as the best for you. With this type of attitude, working with the preliminaries is necessary to increase your faith in the Kalachakra teachings, its lineage and a valid vajra master as your teacher. The time needed to do this will depend on how much work you have previously done. If you have already completed a full sequence of preliminaries in another system, 400 hours should be sufficient to establish this connection in your mindstream. Otherwise, you may need to dedicate anywhere from 500 – 800 hours.
Very Good
600 hours
You have no doubt in the vajra yoga path and a naturally arising faith in the authenticity of your vajra master. While you may still have some doubts as to whether your teacher is the most effective teacher to guide you on this path, you have enormous respect and devotion for him and you develop a strong determination to practice his teachings as well as helping him to manifest a golden age of peace and harmony in this world. On the basis of such an attitude, you will need to spend at least 400 – 600 hours on the preliminary practices.
400 heures
L’attitude Supérieure
200 heures
Remember that there is no single way of following the path and no situation is black and white where we must do the ultimate or nothing at all. We instead need to be realistic and try our best within the conditions we find ourselves, while always aspiring to improve our attitude as much as possible. The higher our attitude, the more benefit we can draw from these teachings, and the less time required to spend on the common and uncommon preliminaries.
What approach best suits your present lifestyle?
In order to prepare ourselves for higher practices, emphasis must be placed on attempting to integrate the teachings within our mind and into everyday life as much as possible.
How successful we are in this process depends on the approach we take. This is not a question of the amount of practice we do, but rather how deeply the teachings pervade our attitude and behaviour. Always remember—quality over quantity. Use the following list to identify a style of practice that best suits you:
Although you may not necessarily understand what you are doing, you make the effort to study what you receive and occasionally attempt the various practices. This approach will only lead to minimal transformation, but it will create the karmic connections for you to reconnect with the lineage in the future. It is suitable for householders whose primary focus is on worldly activities.
While you may have less understanding of the teachings, you have great faith in the Kalachakra path. For this reason, you engage in the gradual accumulation of preliminary practices such as prostrations and making offerings as a method to purify your mind and ripen your virtuous karma. This approach is suited for householders to whom devotion comes easily.
You tend to focus more on informal practice with an emphasis on applying the teachings into your daily life. You make it a priority to study, reflect and meditate—working hard to attain a very solid understanding of the meaning of the teachings and the essential purpose behind them. This knowledge allows you to skilfully adapt your practice to whatever situation you find yourself. This approach is suitable for those currently living in the engaged lifestyle of a householder.
You are dedicated to intensive formal meditation practice and study, allowing yourself to experience every part of the traditional commentaries. Through your study, you gain a detailed understanding of the teachings, giving you the ability to apply the wisdom of the lineage into every aspect of your life in order to achieve significant and rapid personal transformation. This approach is suitable for those capable of living a monastic or yogic lifestyle.
As we each have different karmic conditions, it is important to be honest with ourselves and select an approach that fits with our present lifestyle. Over time, as the Dharma becomes more established in our mind, we can re-evaluate our approach as our priorities shift. Avoid setting unrealistic expectations that only serve to discourage and limit the effectiveness of your practice. While our goal should be to take a superior approach, we shouldn’t feel bad if this is not the way we can presently practice. With hard work and determination, there is no reason why you cannot one day actualize your aspiration.
Where are you on the path?
Khentrul Rinpoche has undergone incredible effort to gather the teachings together into one place and to provide a clear and structured path for working through the material.
Khentrul Rinpoché has made an incredible effort to gather the teachings together into one place and to provide a clear and structured path for working through the material. By following the guidance presented in his Sacred Truth series, we have everything we need to achieve enlightenment in a single lifetime if we so choose. In addition to these core books, Rinpoché has also written various supplementary texts to expand key concepts and facilitate your practice. To gain the most benefit from this material, the following profiles can be used to identify your current stage of development and what practices you should focus on:
If you are completely new to spiritual practice or at a stage where you are unsure of which path to follow, your main focus should be on (1) stabilizing the mind through meditation practice; (2) developing renunciation towards samsara and establishing a clear determination to practice the Dharma; and (3) cultivating a Rimé Philosophy by studying a broad range of wisdom traditions.
The following books can assist you at this level:
Having investigated which spiritual path is right for you, if your choice leads you to a confidence in the Buddhist Path, your focus should shift to cultivating the virtuous qualities that will support your progress towards enlightenment. This work is primarily related to the foundational teachings as presented in the Sutras. Here, your main emphasis should be on (1) establishing a strong confidence in the outer, inner and secret forms of refuge; (2) cultivating an engaged form of bodhichitta that strives towards enlightenment; (3) familiarizing yourself with the trainings of a Bodhisattva; and (4) preparing your mind for tantric practice through purification practices and the accumulation of merit.
At this stage, these books will be most suitable for your study:
And practice using these traditional guidelines:
With a firm foundation of renunciation, bodhicitta and a clear understanding of emptiness, you will now be ready to engage with the practices of Buddhist Tantra. Entry to tantric practice is through the empowerment ceremony known as the “Seven Empowerments of a Growing Child”. If you have been practicing the common preliminaries for some time and would like to progress to the uncommon preliminaries of Kalachakra, you should seek an opportunity to receive these necessary empowerments.
Once you have done so, your energy should shift to focus on (1) cultivating a strong connection with Khentrul Rinpoché by upholding your samaya as purely as possible; (2) familiarising yourself with the Enlightened Mandala by meditating on the Kalachakra Generation Stage; and (3) cultivating the aspiration to practice the Completion Stage by familiarising yourself with the structure and purpose of the Six Vajra Yogas.
For study, emphasis should be on the following books:
- Unveiling Your Sacred Truth, Book Three: The Enlightened Reality
- Hidden Treasure of the Profound Path
And practice one of the following sadhanas:
Le Pratiquant Yogi
A travers la phase de génération de Kalachakra, vous allez purifier l’esprit, soumettre les vents internes et renforcer votre capacité à atteindre la réalisation de votre nature ultime. Néanmoins, à cause de la nature conceptuelle de cette étape, vous allez éventuellement avoir besoin d’aller au-delà de ces méthodes à travers la pratique du yoga tantrique. Pour recevoir les instructions de ces pratiques profondes, vous devez recevoir les quatres transmissions de pouvoir supérieures. De par l’importance d’une connexion pure et inébranlable avec le Maître Vajra, vous devriez recevoir cette transmission uniquement d’un maître qui a l’habilité de vous guider jusqu’à l’illumination, en qui vous avez une foi totale.
A ce stade, il n’y a pas de doute concernant Kalachakra comme votre voie principale et Khentrul Rinpoche comme votre maître principal. Échouer dans cet engagement va causer des obstacles majeurs sur votre voie et réduire la capacité de Rinpoché à venir en aide aux êtres sensibles. Pour cette raison, les pratiquants doivent être sincères et conscients de ce qu’ils font.
A ce niveau, vous devez être centré sur les instructions essentielles que vous recevez de votre maître. A commencer par les trois isolations, lorsque vous atteindrez l’accomplissement dans cette pratique Rinpoché vous introduira alors aux Six Yoga Vajra. Dans ce but, Rinpoché va doucement introduire pas à pas, s’assurant que vous avez établi les réalisations désirées. Tandis que c’est la pratique principale, les écrits associés des maîtres de la lignée peuvent être également étudiés.
Si vous pensez que vous êtes prêts pour ce niveau de pratique, complétez le questionnaire suivant: request the Higher Empowerments.
Conseils Généraux
Au début, il est généralement mieux de s’orienter sur le chemin en mettant l’accent sur l’étude plutôt que la pratique méditative. Avec clarté concernant de ce que vous avez besoin de faire et pourquoi, vous pourrez tranquillement entamer la transition vers une emphase sur la pratique. Il est dit qu’il est toujours important de maintenir un équilibre entre les deux. Si vous passez la majorité de votre temps à l’étude et à la réflexion, la méditation devrait être utilisée pour aiguiser votre esprit et développer une plus grande stabilité mentale. De la même manière, si vous utilisez plus de temps dans la méditation formelle, vous devriez faire des efforts pour acquérir de nouvelles informations afin d’enrichir votre pratique et de vous aider à pénétrer une perspicacité plus profonde.
Pendant que vous travaillez avec les livres de Rinpoche, vous pouvez rester informé concernant les activités et l’emploi du temps de Khentrul Rinpoche en vous référant à son site internet et sa page facebook. Il est hautement recommandé d’avoir une attention particulière aux opportunités pour recevoir une transmission de pouvoir de Kalachakra. Même si vous l’avez pris précédemment avec Rinpoche ou un autre enseignant, il est toujours mieux de le recevoir avec répétition car cela vous permet de renouveler vos voeux et de renforcer votre connexion avec cet enseignement. Ces événements sont aussi de merveilleuses opportunités pour poser des questions et clarifier votre compréhension grâce à un maître de lignée qualifié et authentique.