Questo è un evento GRATUITO.
Venerdì 25 agosto alle 12 ora italiana
Nei nostri tempi moderni molte persone preferiscono essere spirituali ma non religiose. Ciò in parte deriva dal desiderio di connettersi con l’essenza della nostra vera natura, che è al di là dei limiti di qualsiasi religione. Questo è esattamente ciò che insegna il tantra del Kalachakra. Rinpoche darà insegnamenti sul perché il tantra del Kalachakra è una pratica Rimé che include tutte le tradizioni spirituali del mondo. Anche nel regno di Shambhala, quando i grandi bodhisattva realizzarono gli insegnamenti del tantra del Kalachakra, lo fecero partendo da molteplici tradizioni di saggezza differenti. Comprendere la vera natura più profonda del Kalachakra può aiutarci a uscire dal pensiero limitato legato ad un lignaggio o una religione e farci avvicinare alla nostra sacra verità.
Khentrul Rinpoché Jamphel Lodrö è il fondatore e direttore spirituale di Dzokden. Rinpoche è l’autore di Unveiling Your Sacred Truth, The Great Middle Way: Clarifying the Jonang View of Other-Emptiness, A Happier Life e The Hidden Treasure of the Profound Path.
Rinpoche trascorse i primi 20 anni della sua vita allevando yak e cantando mantra sugli altopiani del Tibet. Ispirato dai bodhisattva, lasciò la sua famiglia per studiare in una varietà di monasteri sotto la guida di oltre venticinque maestri di tutte le tradizioni buddiste tibetane. Grazie al suo approccio non settario, si guadagnò il titolo di Maestro Rimé (imparziale) e fu identificato come la reincarnazione del famoso Maestro Kalachakra Ngawang Chözin Gyatso. Pur avendo sviluppato un profondo rispetto per tutte le autentiche tradizioni spirituali, per il suo percorso personale, ha scelto di concentrarsi sulla tradizione Jonang/Shambala. Gli insegnamenti del Kalachakra (ruota del tempo) contengono metodi profondi per armonizzare il nostro ambiente esterno con il mondo interiore del corpo e della mente, portando infine alla realizzazione dell’Età dell’Oro della pace e dell’armonia (dzokden).
Schedule by Timezone:
Melbourne, Australia – SATURDAY August 26, 2023 / 1:00 AM
Hong Kong, Shanghai, Mongolia, Singapore and Taiwan – FRIDAY August 25, 2023 / 11:00 PM
Hanoi, Vietnam – FRIDAY August 25, 2023 / 10:00 PM
Romania – FRIDAY August 25, 2023 / 6:00 PM
Central Europe and South Africa – FRIDAY August 25, 2023 / 5:00 PM
Sao Paulo, Brazil – FRIDAY August 25, 2023 / 12:00 PM
East Coast USA, Toronto – FRIDAY August 25, 2023 / 11:00 AM
West Coast USA – FRIDAY August 25, 2023 / 8:00 AM
Collegamento Zoom:
Webinar ID: 856 7212 2537
Passcode: 108108
This is for online attendance registration ONLY.
By request of students in Canada, Khentrul Rinpoche will perform a the King of Fire Pujas the Jinsek.
There are many types of Jinsek but they all focus on purification. There is extensive offering with many different substances made into the fire that is each linked to creating different beneficial results. This creates the condition to purify anybody’s negative karma and their body. The Jinsek is the deepest level of fire offering and Kalachakra is connected to the highest yoga tantra. It deeply purifies Karma on a profound level. Anyone can attend this puja.
In Vajrayana, we make offerings towards the puja to create a stronger Karmic connection to strengthen the result. As we are praying for all sentient beings, everyone has some small connection to the puja. In order for the connection to be stronger and have a more direct result, we need to strengthen the connection to the puja and the master. One way we do this is by making offerings to the puja. Another way is to perform the puja yourself or with the master. If you want to help sponsor it make an offering to make a karmic connection for you or loved ones to purify your or their karma, please choose an offering level and include their name.
Melbourne, Australia – Wednesday October 04, 2023 / 9:00 AM
Hong Kong, Shanghai, Mongolia, Singapore and Taiwan – Wednesday October 04, 2023 / 7:00 AM
Hanoi, Vietnam – Wednesday October 04, 2023 / 6:00 AM
Romania – Wednesday October 04, 2023 / 2:00 AM
Central Europe and South Africa – Wednesday October 04, 2023 / 1:00 AM
Sao Paulo, Brazil – TUESDAY October 03, 2023 / 8:00 PM
East Coast USA, Toronto – TUESDAY October 03, 2023 / 7:00 PM
West Coast USA – TUESDAY October 03, 2023 / 4:00 PM
Zoom Information
Zoom Link:
Webinar ID: 872 6616 1673
Passcode: 108108
In-person offered in English and Tibetan only. We do encourage international students to attend. We can supply the empowerment booklet in some languages. This event is possible thanks to our partnership with Shambhala International.
September 25-26th (2 days)
This is for registration for the Kalachakra Four Higher Empowerments and mini-retreat. This will take place directly following the Kalachakra Empowerment in Boulder. If you have been previously approved or received the Higher Empowerment you can register without request. If you receive the Higher Empowerment you are able to register for any of the Dark Room retreats in the future. If you would like to go to Kalapa in Austria to do the Dark Room (3 isolations) practice retreat, you can do so for weeks 2-4 because you have received the empowerment previously. Register for the August Dark Room retreats in Austria
Rinpoche has kindly accepted a request to bestow the Four Higher Empowerments of Kalachakra in the USA for the first time since 2018. After receiving these empowerments, you will have all the qualifications to prepare yourself to enter the profound completion stage of Kalachakra in the future. To ensure that students succeed in their paths, Rinpoche bestows these Higher Empowerments only to pre-approved students who genuinely wish to deepen their practice of the Kalachakra path. This is an important step to reinforce the bond between the vajra master and student in working together towards enlightenment. You are more than welcome to present yourself as a candidate to receive these empowerments by sending your application here. To make sure that we can evaluate your application in time, please send it in as soon as possible. However, if you have already been approved, you can simply register for this event directly.
(Note: the Kalachakra Four Higher Empowerments are not the same Kalachakra Empowerments that Rinpoche given in Hong Kong in 2020 and in other places such as in Vienna in 2019, which are called “The Seven Empowerments of a Growing Child”.)
About the Empowerments and Retreat
“Up to this point, our use of conceptual methods has been instrumental in removing our many layers of misconception, but as they are embedded in the dualistic mind, these methods function as a subtle barrier to experiencing our definitive nature. For this reason, we need to abandon them in favor of a direct approach that works without conceptual fabrications. We can achieve this transformation from conceptual to non-conceptual in two steps. Firstly we are introduced to the Kalachakra view by receiving the Four Higher Empowerments. Secondly, with the establishment of this view, we use the unique meditation technique of the Three Isolations (Wensum) to cut the proliferation of thoughts and abide in the nature of the mind.” (Khentrul Rinpoche, “Unveiling Your Sacred Truth 3”)
The program fee for the retreat encompasses 1) Secret Dakini Oral Transmission, 2) The Kalachakra Four Higher Empowerments, 3) Teaching-Transmission of the Wensum (Three Isolations) Practice, 4) a printed booklet about the Empowerments and Practice. Accommodations and food are not provided.
September 25-26th
9:00 am – 9 pm Monday and Tuesday.
The last session is optional for those who need to leave earlier to return to their accommodation.
How to prepare for this retreat
If this will be your first time taking part, we strongly encourage you to prepare yourself as much as you can with the Kalachakra Preliminary Practices. In addition to the longer sadhanas “Divine Ladder” and “Enlightening the Heart”, you will need to know the sadhana “Secret Dakini Treasure”. For the latter, you must register here for the oral commentary Rinpoche gave recently if you have not already done so. We encourage you to study all the sadhanas as much as you can, including the transliterations and chantings, because there will be some sessions of chanting in Tibetan without a recording during the retreat.
Bring your practice book “The Profound Path of Vajra Yoga”. You can also bring Rinpoche’s commentary “The Hidden Treasure” as a reference for your practice. Other reading materials not directly related to the Wensum practice are not allowed during the retreat period. You will also need the Secret Dakini Treasure eBook.
Retreat Information and Guidelines
Practice sessions will be conducted in English and Tibetan. If you absolutely prefer, you can bring copies of the texts in your own language as well and read them silently while the group recites in English.
Payment Options
Once you have been approved for the empowerment and the 2-day retreat (accommodations not included), please choose the program fee that fits your financial circumstances. Rinpoche always reminds people to pay attention to what they prioritize and put their money on as the number 1 reason people ask for Financial aid is that they prioritized everything else in their life much higher than Dharma.
The location is central in Boulder. There are many cafes and places to eat around the location. For those trying to save money, we encourage airbnb and cafe. If you are on a limited budget we can try to find a community member for you to stay with. Please email [email protected] if you need further recommendations for accommodations.
Singapore, Hong Kong, China: 9PM SUNDAY
Central Europe: 3PM SUNDAY
Brazil: 10AM SUNDAY
West Coast, USA: 6AM SUNDAY
East Coast, USA: 9AM SUNDAY
Toronto, CA: 9AM SUNDAY
Prayers for Jonang Leader HH Jigme Dorje Rinpoche Entering into Parinirvana with Khentrul Rinpoche
The most excellent leader of the Jonang Lineage, the Abbott of Dzamthang Monastery, His Holiness Jigme Dorje Rinpoche chose to pass into parinirvana on the auspicious day of Kalachakra New Year. Khentrul Rinpoche will lead us in prayers for this most precious teacher and holy being this weekend. May we have the merit for his swift return and to fulfill his aspirations.
Schedule by Timezone
Melbourne, Australia: APRIL 16 – 11:00 PM
Hong Kong: APRIL 16 – 9:00 PM
Vienna, Austria: APRIL 16– 3:00 PM
New York, New York USA: APRIL 16 – 9:00 AM
San Francisco, CA USA: APRIL 16 – 6:00 AMIn celebration of Khentrul Rinpoche’s 60th birthday, a special year that brings the completion of all the signs and elements in a zodiac cycle, Rinpoche will give a teaching on birthdays and how to approach them. This is one of the most important birthdays in our zodiac cycle because it is when we revisit the sign and element from when we were born. Often times people associate this revisit to the natal sign as an obstacle year. In order to help prevent that we have already
1) made a long-life offering to Khentrul Rinpoche
2) Medicine Buddha and Marichi Mantra Accumulation
3) Built a Medicine Buddha Mandala and had 9 statues (7 Medicine Buddhas and 2 Taras) made for the Garden which will arrive in time for his birthday
Normally people become self-focused on their birthday. Rinpoche will give a teaching on how we can instead approach this day from a Buddhist perspective. In addition to this, he will bestow prosperity and long-life blessing on everyone.
In honor of Rinpoche’s 60th birthday, the community will recite long-life prayers to him and make offerings prepared by the different sanghas.