Online: Yellow Dzambhala Empowerment & 21 Taras Drolmi Kazug Wealth Vase Puja
All the donations above the sponsorship costs of this event will be put towards the Land of Shambhala project to generate as much merit as possible for everyone. We are doing this event during the auspicious month of Saka Dawa time so that the merit is multiplied by 100,000 times.
5/15-ны Бямба гаригт
Дулам Га Зүгийн Аман дамжуулга болон Эрдэнэсийн бумбаны Адислал хүртэхийн тулд зан үйлийн бүх хэсгүүдэд бүгдэд нь заавал байлцах шаардлагатай.
7.00 – 9.00 Дулам Га Зүгийн Тахилга, 1- р хэсэг
9.30 – 11.30 Дулам Га Зүгийн Тахилгын 2- р хэсэг
12.30- 14.30 Дулам Га Зүгийн Тахилгын 3- р хэсэг
15.00- 17.00 Дулам Га Зүгийн Тахилга 4- р хэсэг
5/16-ны Ням гаригт
8.00 – 10.00 Шамбалын орныг Адислах болон Эрдэнэсийн бумба газарт булж дээр нь 3м өндөртэй Сүлд Хийморийн Баганыг босгох зан үйл. Ханбрүл Ринбүчигийн Шамбалын Ерөөлийн Тайлбарласан номлол.
11.30- 13.00 Шар Замбала Бурханы Авшиг тус тус хүртээнэ.
Extensive Blessings to Consecrate Land of Shambhala
Yellow Dzambhala Empowerment
Drolmi Kazug Auspicious Fortune Tower Puja and 21 Taras Treasure Vase Blessing
Complete Oral Transmission of the Sadhana if you are present for all of the Puja sessions
Re-bless Your Drolmi Kazug Vase. Your Treasure Vase should be blessed at least once a year and more often if you can.
Land of Shambhala Consecration ceremony
About Yellow Dzambhala
This is an incredible opportunity to create a karmic connection with Jambhala – the “Prosperity God”. There is no contradiction between practicing Dharma and developing wealth and prosperity. Everyone needs prosperity. Through our practice of generosity and this practice, we can create the conditions for spiritual and material wealth and abundance in our lives.
About the Land of Shambhala Consecration
About this 21 Taras Drolmi Kazug Fortune Tower Puja
To bless the Land of Shambhala, we have spent months building 2-3 meter tall Drolmi Kazug Fortune Pillars on the Land of Shambhala in a spot in which we will build a 4 meter by 4 meter Fortune Palace in the Food Forest. Khentrul Rinpoche spent so many months preparing to do this last year that we have the supplies in order to do this again. Because of our continued economic and health situation in the world, Rinpoche would like to do this offering practice. It has both worldly and dharmic benefits to create success in all areas of life. This is to get rid of all the bad luck and replace it with all the possibilities for fortune and success.
Often times people want to solve their large worldly problems or obstacles in a very simple way. They try a practice or two to remedy the problem but their wishes are not fulfilled. This is because the remedy is too small and simple to actually create the correct conditions. For anything to happen there are millions of karmic conditions that have to ripen. Also for anything to ripen, the amount of our own generosity and conditions we put into the remedy affect the result.
This Jonang Drolmi Kazug puja was revealed from a mind terma of Lama Yonten Sangpo and Lama Lodro Drakpa. It is the most detailed and extensive offering puja to create causes and conditions to ripen good luck and fortune. It works with every aspect of our natal astrological chart. In it we make offerings to an incredible number of classes of beings that we normally ignore in our day to day life to affect these karma areas determined at the moment of your birth.
It purifies the participants unfixed karmas which create obstacles such as diseases, spirit or demon harm, and bad fortune so that we may experience fame, good fortune, prosperity, vitality, long-life and good health to practice the dharma to benefit all sentient beings. This works on everything on the unseen level. Rinpoche deity has indicated to him that now is the right time to do this puja for us for the first time. Together we need to create the best possible conditions to manifest the Golden Age of Peace and Harmony.
- 108 Treasure Vases for Wealth and Prosperity. If you have purchased on in the last ceremony you can set yours up to have it re-blessed remotely.
- Extensive 26 Syllable Tara Mutak
- 2- 3 meter tall Auspicious Fortune Pillars as the base of the future large Fortune Palace.
- Bless the Land of Shambhala Property for our Dzokden Retreat Center and Malaya Grove Farm
Participants will be given access to a book to follow along for the Yellow Dzambhala Empowerment so that you know exactly what is happening and are able to receive the maximum blessings. Khentrul Rinpoche has prepared a Short Sadhana for the Yellow Dzambhala that will be given to the participants.
1) Register for each attendee that will be receiving the empowerment. Choose your preferred language. You will receive a confirmation email.
2) You will receive an invite to our learning center that has the access to the zoom for each of the sessions along with prayers and information to guide you.
3) It is possible to just attend part in Drolmi Kazug pujas for the blessing of watching it. If you would like to receive the Oral Transmission for Drolmi Kazug Auspicious Fortune Tower Puja, you need to be at all the sessions of it.
4) If you would like to receive the Yellow Dzambhala Empowerment (Jenang) then you must attend the indicated session on Sunday.
6) If you have a Drolmi Kazug vase from the previous ceremony, you can set it up to be re-blessed virtually. Vases blessed during this ceremony will be available as part of the Building Fund and potentially used in the Unified Sangha Stupa. We are only consecrating around 100 vases for this event.
Opportunities for Merit
When we give offerings to dharma activities, we are creating a stronger more direct Karmic connection with the karmic result. As this is an Offering Puja to generate good fortune for ourself and the world, our own contribution relates to our result. All proceeds from the event will go towards Khentrul Rinpoche’s Land of Shambhala Retreat Center project in Australia.
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Offer Dana to Rinpoche If you would like to offer Dana to Rinpoche virtually, you can do so here on Dzokden’s website. All donations to Dzokden are unrestricted contributions that allow us to direct the funds to Rinpoche’s projects based on their priority. |
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Sponsor the Creation of the Land of Shambhala Retreat Center
The Rimé Institute in Australia purchased 40 acres of land in order to build a spiritual paradise for all types of people to experience the life changing qualities of the Kalachakra path. Land of Shambhala will give sentient beings an opportunity to find harmony with our external environment, internal and enlightened reality. This is a space for people to authentically connect and be present in the world while living with greater vitality, love and purpose. We will offer a holistic program of Kalachakra medicine, body movements such as tai-chi and yoga, Kalachakra yoga, Buddhist philosophy, astrology, medicine, science and the 6 Vajra Yogas. |
email [email protected]
Шар Ханбрүл Жамбал Лодро Ринбүчи бол 20 хүртлээ Төвдөд сарлаг маллаж тарни тоолон амьдарч явжээ. Тэрээр бодьсадва нарын уярам түүх намтрыг сонссоор бишрэл сүжиг нэмэгдэж ар гэрээ ардаа орхиж, төвдийн Буддын бүхий л гол урсгалуудын хорин-тав гаруй мастеруудаар хичээл ном заалган явсан байна. Үл алагчлах үзлийг ийнхүү баримталж явсны дүнд тэрбээр Римэ \үл-ялгаварлах үзэлт\ Мастер хэмээн нэрлэгдэх болж, бодьсадва Акашагарбагийн хувилгаан Цагийн хүрдний аугаа мастер Нагваан Чойжин Жямцын хойд дүрээр танигдсан ажээ. Хэдийгээр түүний баримтлалын гол үндэс нь энэ хорвоо дээрх олон шашны урсгалын давуу талуудыг онцлох явдал боловч тэдгээрийн дотроос өөрийн уламжилж ирсэн Жонан-Шамбалын Урсгалд онцгойлон шүтэж явдаг байна. Барууны олон эрдэмтэдийн устаж үгүй болсон гэж тооцдог энэхүү Цагийн хүрдний өндөр шатны дадлагуудыг тэрбээр дотоод бие сэтгэлийг гадаад ертөнцтэй хоршуулан зохицолдуулж амьдрах гүнзгий аргууд хэмээн үздэг билээ.
2014 оноос эхлээд Ханбрүл Ринбүчи системтэй тодорхой зааварчилгаа бүхий Цагийн хүрдний Замаар замнаж өөрийн нандин үнэнээ илрүүлэн гэгээрэлд хүрч болох талаар сурган дэлхийн гуч гаруй орноор аялаад байна. Хүмүүст сэтгэлийн уян хатан байдлаар хэрхэн ялгаварт үзлийг арилгаж, дэлхий ертөнцийг алтан эрин болгон хувиргаж болох нигүүсэл энэрэлд тулгуурласан нийгэмлэгийг бий болгох чин эрмэллэлээр ийнхүү номоо айлдан яваа нэгэн билээ.