2024 Secret Dakini Oral Transmission and Commentary
This event is available ONLINE only + Pre-recorded course in English.
Two times are available for the Oral Transmission to accommodate more timezones.
The Commentary has been pre-recorded by Khentrul Rinpoche
*Restricted teaching, please see info below*
Important note:
If you are already enrolled in the Secret Dakini Commentary in the Dzokden Learning Center, you will gain automatic access to oral transmissions. The information has been added to your course.
Khentrul Rinpoche will bestow the oral transmission to the Secret Dakini Nogndro. This incredibly poetic practice text presents all the path until Enlightenment concisely. It focuses on the ultimate meaning of the different preliminary practices. Some sections that are extensive in the other Kalachakra Sadhanas are presented here very concisely, whereas others appear in a more comprehensive, non-traditional way.
The “Secret Dakini Treasure” is especially recommended for those practicing wensum (Three Isolations) and the First Vajra Yoga. For this reason, Rinpoche wishes that practitioners planning to attend the longer wensum or 1st Yoga retreat attend this transmission beforehand.
Schedule by Timezone
Two online sessions will be offered to accommodate more timezones. You may join either of the 2 online sessions available.
São Paulo, Brazil
SATURDAY March 9, 2024
11:00 AM – USA Optimized Timezone Oral Transmission Secret Dakini Ngondro
5:00 AM – Asia / Vienna (Central Europe) Timezone Oral Transmission of Secret Dakini
Who can attend?
1) All who have received the Four Higher Empowerments with Rinpoche or, if not:
2) Any stable Dharma practitioner who has done the Ngöndro extensively in any tradition and has the aspiration to receive Higher Empowerment.
In both cases, they should know quite well the Kalachakra sadhanas “The Divine Ladder” and “Enlightening the Heart”. To get to know Rinpoche’s flexible approach to the Ngöndro, look at the chapter 14 of “Unveiling Your Sacred Truth — Book 2”. For online resources, visit: https://dzokden.org/getting-started
If you do not have the requirements yet, Rinpoche encourages you to prepare yourself as much as you can during the year in order to be able to attend.
Please email [email protected]
Khentrul RinpocheMestre Kalachakra Rimê
Khentrul Rinpoche Jamphel Lodrö é o fundador e diretor espiritual da Dzokden. O Rinpoche é autor de vários livros como: Unveiling Your Sacred Truth, The Great Middle Way: Clarifying the Jonang View of Other-Emptiness, A Happier Life (em tradução para o português) e The Hidden Treasure of the Profound Path (em tradução para o português). Khentrul Rinpoche passou os primeiros 20 anos de sua vida pastoreando iaques e cantando mantras nos platôs tibetanos. Inspirado pelos bodhisatvas, ele deixou sua família para estudar em uma variedade de monastérios sob a orientação de mais de vinte e cinco mestres em todas as tradições do Budismo Tibetano. Devido à sua abordagem não-sectária, ele recebeu o título de Mestre Rimê (não-sectário) e foi identificado como a reencarnação do famoso Mestre de Kalachakra Ngawang Chözin Gyatso. Embora seja central em seus ensinamentos o reconhecimento de que há grande valor na diversidade de todas as tradições espirituais encontradas nesse mundo, ele foca a tradição Jonang-Shambhala. Os ensinamentos de Kalachakra (“Roda do Tempo”) contêm métodos profundos para harmonizar nosso ambiente externo com o mundo interno de nosso corpo e mente, em última instância fazendo surgir a Era de Ouro de paz e harmonia (dzokden).