Online: Karma, Meat and Vegetarianism
Zoom and Facebook Live.
English Teaching. Translations to be determined.
Schedule by Timezone
7:00 PM Shanghai, China
By request of many different students, Rinpoche will kindly lead a discussion and debate around the Dharma of food.Topic
Khentrul Rinpoche always encourages us to see debates from many views and angles. The age old question on what to eat is no different. He will help walk us through all the different intentions and vantage points we may have when looking at the karma of the actions around what we consume.
By request of many different students, Rinpoche will kindly lead a discussion and debate around the Dharma of food.Topic
Khentrul Rinpoche always encourages us to see debates from many views and angles. The age old question on what to eat is no different. He will help walk us through all the different intentions and vantage points we may have when looking at the karma of the actions around what we consume.
Please bring your questions and your best points to this interactive event. Some of the questions that often come up and lead to lot of discussion and confusion – Are Buddhist all peaceful people eating vegetables? In Tibet some Monastery areas sell “naturally died” vs “killed” meat. What’s the difference and do the monks eat meat? If I buy meat at a supermarket am I contributing to killing? Am I violating a vow if I eat meat? What if I need to eat meat for my health, am I a failed Buddhist?
夏.堪祖嘉培珞珠仁波切是国际机构Dzokden(音译:卓登)的创始人及精神导师。仁波切亦是Unveiling Your Sacred Truth(《照见真实》)、The Great Middle Way : Clarifying the Jonang View of Other-Emptiness(暂译:大中观:觉囊派他空见)、A Happier Life(暂译:美好的生命)、The Hidden Treasure of the Profound Path(圣道秘宝:《神圣的阶梯 》详释)等书的作者。
仁波切二十歳前在西藏高原上放牧及诵持真言咒语。受到菩萨的感召,他离开家庭,到多间寺院参学,得到二十五位以上的大师指导,广习所有藏传佛教的传承。正因为这种不论派别的学习,他获得「利美」(Rimé)大师之衔,亦被认证为时轮金刚大师雅旺确津嘉措(Ngawang Chözin Gyatso)的转世。仁波切教学的核心是认识到全世界有众多多样化而有价值的心灵传承。当中,他专注传扬觉囊派的时轮教法(Kalachakra),这是殊胜之道,能让外在环境与内在身心灵世界和谐一致,超越地带来黄金时代的平和与和谐 (Dzokden)。