首页 在线 Online Sacred Transition: Kalachakra Phowa and Vajra Vega Jenang with Khentrul Rinpoche

Online Sacred Transition: Kalachakra Phowa and Vajra Vega Jenang with Khentrul Rinpoche

 – Understand the Bardos from the Kalachakra vs the Dzogchen Perspective
– Vajra Vega Jenang (wrathful Kalachakra)
– What to do when you die
– What to do immediately and in the year following their death.
– How to spot opportunities for liberation in the Bardo
– Kalachakra Phowa teaching and transmission

Dying is an essential part of life; something that we all will face. Whether you or a loved one is facing death today or decades from now, it’s important to understand what it means to live and die well.

In this weekend teaching, Khentrul Rinpoche will take us on a journey through what is known as the ‘bardos’, or transition periods, between one life and the next, and the tremendous opportunity they can offer if we view them as an opportunity for spiritual transformation.

Khentrul Rinpoche will help us understand the profound steps we can take in our life now to prepare for death and what we can do at the time of death. In this practical teaching, Khentrul Rinpoche will bestow the Kalachakra phowa transmission and help us identify opportunities for liberation in the Bardo.

Vajra Vega, the wrathful form of Shri Kalachakra and the King of the Wrathful Deities, is the protector aspect in Kalachakra. There are many benefits to establishing a connection with Vajra Vega. The essence of Vajravega is that he represents the non-conceptual primordial wisdom which arises when the winds enter the central channel. This is the method by which the root ignorance of conceptuality is cut. It is also the basis or the container in which the precious six vajra yogas arise. When we establish a wheel of protection with Vajra Vega, we are symbolically stopping the arising of dualistic appearances, and abiding within the non-conceptual wisdom.

It is very important and special for us to connect with this aspect of Kalachakra in our lifetime so that we may be benefited from the connection in the Bardo state after death. While we must do our best to create karmic propensities to realize our own sacred truth during this life, if we do not then in the Bardo state after death, we may be able to recognise Vajra Vega in the sea of wrathful Deities and be liberated.

Anyone can join. There is no prerequisite.

Coming Soon globally
Toronto Canada
1:00 pm – 5:00 pm Saturday October 8th
Vajra Vega Jenang and Oral Transmission of Praises to Vajra Vega (at the beginning not recorded), Teachings
1:00 pm to 5:00 pm Sunday October 9th
Kalachakra Phowa transmission (at the beginning and not recorded) Teachings on the Bardos from a Dzogchen vs Kalachakra view

1) Register for each attendee that will be receiving the empowerment. You will be added to the course on learn.dzokden.org
2) You must receive the empowerment and oral transmission online in real-time. We do not record empowerment. We do not offer empowerment books for this event.
3) You will receive access to the zoom for each of the session of the teaching.

The Dharma is not for sale but we do have cost to put on global events. We have created 3 offering levels to help make this affordable to a range of attendees as we must raise funds to cover the cost. The cost has been adjusted for the cost of living in various countries. Thank you for understanding so that we can make this accessible to our global family. If your ability to pay makes it difficult to attend this program, we will make every effort to make attendance possible. Email [email protected] to request assistance.



Oct 08 - 09 2022


Toronto, Canada Timezone
1:00 pm - 5:00 pm


  • 时区:America/New_York
  • 日期:Oct 08 - 09 2022
  • 时间:1:00 pm - 5:00 pm


  • 夏.堪祖仁波切

      夏.堪祖嘉培珞珠仁波切是国际机构Dzokden(音译:卓登)的创始人及精神导师。仁波切亦是Unveiling Your Sacred Truth(《照见真实》)、The Great Middle Way : Clarifying the Jonang View of Other-Emptiness(暂译:大中观:觉囊派他空见)、A Happier Life(暂译:美好的生命)、The Hidden Treasure of the Profound Path(圣道秘宝:《神圣的阶梯 》详释)等书的作者。
      仁波切二十歳前在西藏高原上放牧及诵持真言咒语。受到菩萨的感召,他离开家庭,到多间寺院参学,得到二十五位以上的大师指导,广习所有藏传佛教的传承。正因为这种不论派别的学习,他获得「利美」(Rimé)大师之衔,亦被认证为时轮金刚大师雅旺确津嘉措(Ngawang Chözin Gyatso)的转世。仁波切教学的核心是认识到全世界有众多多样化而有价值的心灵传承。当中,他专注传扬觉囊派的时轮教法(Kalachakra),这是殊胜之道,能让外在环境与内在身心灵世界和谐一致,超越地带来黄金时代的平和与和谐 (Dzokden)。

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