Online & In-Person: Samaya Tara Empowerment with H.E. Kathog Rigzin Chenpo
In celebration of the completion of the 21 Taras Garden of Abundance and the arrival of the standing Tara statue at the Rime Institute in Australia, Khentrul Rinpoché has invited His Eminence Katok Rigzin Chenpo to perform a unique empowerment ceremony as a way of further consecrating the statue and creating the conditions for it to become a powerful cause for peace and harmony to flourish in our world.
Samaya Yogini is a practite associated with Jetsun Taranatha, a master in the Jonang lineage. She is associated with the Sanskrit root text Samajaparamarthasarvakaramodaya-nama-tarayoginitantraraja and the samajaparamarthasarvakarmodaya-uttaratantraraja. This is a great opportunity to strengthen your association with the power of the great mother, the mother of the Buddhas. May she protect and sustain the Dharma of definitive meaning and the lineage of the Great Middle Way.
The Kathok Lineage is a unique lineage that combines the Great Middleway Zhentong teachings of the Jonang with Dzogchen Nyingma termas. The Kathok Lineage is a unique lineage that combines the Great Middleway Zhentong teachings of the Jonang with Dzogchen Nyingma termas. H.E. Rigzin Chenpo’s group practice Tara regularly so we are very fortunate to have this opportunity to receive this from him. The first Katok Rigdzin Chenpo was Sasang Mati Panchen, a Jonangpa and a Heart son of Dolpopa Sherab Gyaltsen. H.E. Rigdzin Chenpo’s group practice Tara regularly so we are very fortunate to have this opportunity to receive this from him.
There are no prerequisites at all. It is suitable for all levels of practitioners. Previous Buddhist study and practice are helpful but not mandatory. If you want to prepare yourself, you can do the online course for the “21 Taras Practice Retreat” available at our learning center.
Central Europe – Sunday 24 July 2.30-4.00 am
1) Register for each attendee that will be receiving the empowerment. You will be added to the course on learn.dzokden.org
2) You must receive the empowerment online in real-time. We do not record empowerment. Before the empowerment, you will receive information on some simple supplies you should get to help make the experience as authentic as possible. If you are not able to get them all don’t worry. We do not offer empowerment books for this event.
3) You will receive access to the zoom for each of the sessions the week of the empowerment.
The Dharma is not for sale but we do have cost to put on global events. We have created 3 offering levels to help make this affordable to a range of attendees as we must raise funds to cover the cost. The cost has been adjusted for the cost of living in various countries. Thank you for understanding so that we can make this accessible to our global family. If your ability to pay makes it difficult to attend this program, we will make every effort to make attendance possible.
ADDITIONAL QUESTIONS? email [email protected]
Kathok Rigdzin Chenpo RinpochéMaître Vajra Nyingma
La sixième réincarnation, Kathog Rigzin Chenpo Rinpoché, est née dans la région de Golok, dans la province de Qinghai. Lorsqu’il était jeune, il a été reconnu comme l’incarnation de Rigdzin Chenpo par des Lamas tels que le sublime Khamtsang Terton, Karma Chakme de Pelyul, Lama Norpel Jadral Rigtsel, Gown Tulku & beaucoup d’autres. Dans une vie antérieure, il était également l’un des 14 disciples de cœur de Dolpopa. Rinpoché est aujourd’hui le chef spirituel de l’Association du Dharma Kathog Rigzin Chenpo et l’abbé du Centre de Méditation du Dharma Kathog Rigzin Chenpo à Taichung City, Taiwan. Il gère plusieurs centres de retraite au Tibet, à Singapour et en Malaisie. Il a consacré toute sa vie à l’enseignement du dharma, à la traduction de tantras importants et à l’écriture de livres sur la tradition Nyingma du Vajrayana pour le bénéfice de tous les pratiquants du dharma dans le monde.