Home Ausztrália Online Enter the New Year with a Bang! Vajrapani Empowerment and Retreat

Enter the New Year with a Bang! Vajrapani Empowerment and Retreat

Welcome to the Vajrapani Empowerment and Retreat

VAJRAPANI: Tame Your Demons
Tap into the power of all the Buddhas to tame your internal and external obstacles to realization. Vajrapani, the embodiment of the power of all the Buddhas of the ten directions and the three times, is a fearless Bodhisattva of the tenth level and the guardian of the Buddhist tantras.

Khentrul Rinpoche will bestow an extraordinary empowerment of Vajrapani known as the Demon Destroyer, and the practice that Lama Lutrin may have used in the retreat where he cured himself of Leprosy. This empowerment and retreat will help practitioners embrace their fierce power within to tame the obstacles on their path.

“For me Vajrapani is personally special because my root lama, Lama Lobsang Trinley, was considered as the actual Vajrapani. When he practiced it, he could completely heal his leprosy during a long solitary retreat. At the end of his retreat, he achieved the same realization of the great Indian mahasiddhas.
My root Lama’s teachings on Vajrapani were incredibly special. As many high Lamas came to our monastery in order to receive the Vajrapani empowerment from him, I could receive it many times. All these Lamas who came had no doubt about his realization. They said that he himself was the actual Vaprapani, as they were witnessing my Lama taming incredibly powerful demons who wish to bring harm to our regions.”

This practice has a very special connection to our lineage through both Lama Lutrin and the Shambhala Dharma King Suchandra. Suchandra who was an emanation of Vajrapani, requested the Buddha in the form of Deity of Kalachakra, transmit  the Kalachakra Tantra Teachings. Suchandra went on to establish these Kalachakra teachings in Shambhala where they flourished and came to us.

In this retreat, Rinpoche will also explore further working with Vajrapani in your life as you work to engage on an authentic tantric path, harnessing, directing, and transforming the power of anger and other emotions on the path.  

Course Information

This first section will provide you with general information about the course that you will need to participate. This includes:

  1. Overview: If you ever get lost, you can use this page to remember where everything is and how to access what you need.
  2. Online Checklist:To join the live practice sessions for this course, you will need to make sure you have all of the necessary technologies installed and ready to use. For this reason, we have compiled a short guidebook for setting up Zoom and how to prepare for the various sessions.
  3. Live Session Schedule: This page provides all of the links for the live webinar sessions. You can find the schedule in a variety of timezones so that you can be sure not to miss anything. ORAL TRANSMISSIONS AND EMPOWERMENTS ARE NEVER RECORDED.
  4. Gratitude and Generosity: We take a moment to thank those who have made this event possible and provide details for how to offer Dana or give support so that we can all benefit from future activities.


Schedule by Timezone

Central Europe and South Africa
THURSDAY December 26, 2024
9:30 PM – 11:00 PM – End of the Year Public Teaching: Use Your Brain: How to Cultivate Discriminating Awareness on the Path

FRIDAY December 27, 2024
11:30 PM – 1:00 AM (SATURDAY December 28, 2024) – Session 1: Online Empowerment Preparation

SATURDAY December 28, 2024
3:00 AM – 5:00 AM – Session 2: Vajrapani EMPOWERMENT & ORAL TRANSMISSION
6:00 AM – 7:30 AM – Session 3: Vajrapani Practice
9:30 AM – 11:00 AM – Session 4: Vajrapani and the Kalachakra Lineage
11:30 PM – 1:00 AM (SUNDAY December 29, 2024) – Session 5: Vajrapani Practice 

SUNDAY December 29, 2024
3:00 AM – 5:00 AM – Session 6: Tantra and working with emotions and Anger
6:00 AM – 7:30 AM – Session 7: Vajrapani Practice
9:30 AM – 11:00 AM – Session 8: Vajrapani Practice and Q and A with Rinpoche
11:00 PM – 12:30 AM (MONDAY December 30, 2024) – Session 9: Final Retreat Practice

Please email [email protected]

Foglalás az eseményre

Sponsor Program Fee
$150 USD
Elérhető Jegyek: Korlátlan

This allows one ticket either online or in-person. Paying this amount helps those who can't afford to make an offering to attend the event. It also helps sponsor the event and others like it.

A "Sponsor Program Fee" jegy elkelt. Megpróbálhat egy másik jegyet vagy egy másik időpontot.
Regular Program Fee
$90 USD
Elérhető Jegyek: Korlátlan

One ticket for in-person or online attendance.

A "Regular Program Fee" jegy elkelt. Megpróbálhat egy másik jegyet vagy egy másik időpontot.
Reduced Program Fee
$40 USD
Elérhető Jegyek: Korlátlan

For those with limited income or ability to attend we have the reduced program fee. If you are a monastic member email [email protected] for a fee waiver. No one is turned away for lack of money for the online attendance. If you need further help, email [email protected]

A "Reduced Program Fee" jegy elkelt. Megpróbálhat egy másik jegyet vagy egy másik időpontot.


Dec 27 - 30 2024


Melbourne, Australia Timezone
Egész nap

Helyi idő

  • Időzóna: America/New_York
  • Dátum: Dec 26 - 30 2024
  • Idő: Egész nap


Tibetan Rime Buddhist Institute



Egyéb szervezők



  • Khentrul Rinpoche
    Khentrul Rinpoche
    Miatt Jonang Kalachakra

    Khentrul Rinpocsé Dzsamphel Lodrö a Dzokden alapítója és igazgatója. Rinpocse az alábbi könyvek szerzője: A szent igazságod feltárása I. II. III. kötet, A nagy középút: A más-üresség dzsonang nézetének magyarázata, Boldogabb élet, A mélységes ösvény rejtett kincse.

    Rinpoché életének első 20 évét jakpásztorként, mantrákat kántálva élte a tibeti fennsíkon. A bódhiszattvák ösztönzésére elhagyta családját, és különféle kolostorokban tanult, az összes tibeti buddhista hagyomány, több mint huszonöt mesterének irányítása alatt. Felekezeti elfogultságtól mentes megközelítése miatt Rimé (elfogulatlan) Mester címet kapott, és a híres Kálacsakra mester, Ngawang Chözin Gyatso reinkarnációjaként azonosították. Míg tanításainak középpontjában az a felismerés áll, hogy a világ minden szellemi hagyományának sokfélesége nagy jelentőséggel bír; ő maga a Jonang-Shambhala hagyományra összpontosít. A Kálacsakra (az idő kereke) tanításai mélységes módszereket tartalmaznak a külső környezetünk, illetve a testünk és tudatunk belső világának harmonizálására, hogy végül elérjük a béke és a harmónia aranykorát (dzokden).
