Domov Avstralija Spletna stran In-Person and Online: Blessing Ceremony and Legends of the 84 Mahasiddhas with HE Kathog Rigzin Chenpo

In-Person and Online: Blessing Ceremony and Legends of the 84 Mahasiddhas with HE Kathog Rigzin Chenpo

Rinpoche will transmit a short blessing of what he thinks is most beneficial to the attendees in addition to the teaching.

HE Rigzin Chenpo will teach on the precious stories of the 84 Great Mahasiddhas focusing in particular on the story of 2 Mahasiddhas. The legends help us open our minds as they show it is not easy to spot a great practitioner nor do we know who by appearances is the most realised. These legendary masters came from hunters, thieves, aristocrats and beggars. They were examples of perfect devotion and strong confidence in the teachers instructions no matter how bizarre they might seem. Through their examples we can see that we must look deeper meaning and release our judgements to make swift progress on the path. They help show us there is no deed or action that can’t be transformed used powerfully on the tantric path to realisation.

LANGUAGES The teaching will be in Mandarin Chinese with English Translation Live. Online it is available ian multiple languages by zoom.

QUESTIONS? For information please contact Julie on 0487 440 140 or email [email protected]

ONLINE ON ZOOM Links and information will be added to your new or existing account at along with recording of the teachings.

ABOUT HE RIGZIN CHENPO RINPOCHE The sixth reincarnation Kathog Rigzin Chenpo Rinpoche was born in the Golok region of Qinghai Province. When he was young, he was recognized as the incarnation of Rigdzin Chenpo by such Lamas as the sublime Khamtsang Terton, Karma Chakme of Pelyul, Lama Norpel Jadral Rigtsel, Gown Tulku & many others. In a previous life he was also one of Dolpopa’s 14 heart disciples. Rinpoche is now the spiritual leader of the Kathog Rigzin Chenpo Dharma Association and the abbot of the Kathog Rigzin Chenpo Dharma Meditation Center Center in Taichung City, Taiwan. He maintains several retreat centers in Tibet, Singapore, and Malaysia. He has devoted his entire life to teaching Dharma, translating significant tantras and writing dharma books about the Nyingma tradition of the Vajrayana to benefit all dharma practitioners in the world.

2 Day Teaching Schedule by Timezone
Melbourne, Australia
7:30 PM Wednesday June 28
7:30 PM Thursday June 29

Hong Kong, Shanghai, Mongolia, Singapore and Taiwan
5:30 PM Wednesday June 28
5:30 PM Thursday June 29

Hanoi, Vietnam
4:30 PM Wednesday June 28
4:30 PM Thursday June 29

12:30 PM Wednesday June 28
12:30 PM Thursday June 29

Central Europe and South Africa
11:30 AM Wednesday June 28
11:30 AM Thursday June 29

Sao Paulo, Brazil
6:30 AM Wednesday June 28
6:30 AM Thursday June 29

East Coast USA, Toronto
5:30 AM Wednesday June 28
5:30 AM Thursday June 29

West Coast USA
2:30 AM Wednesday June 28
2:30 AM Thursday June 29


Jun 28 - 29 2023
Izteklo se je!


Melbourne Australia Timezone
7:30 pm - 9:00 pm

Lokalni čas

  • Časovni pas: America/Los_Angeles
  • Datum: Jun 28 - 29 2023
  • Čas: 2:30 am - 4:00 am
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