Buddhist basics and Kalachakra Ngondro Teacher Training Program

with Khentrul Rinpoche (In English only)

Help share the foundational Dharma teachings globally or Deepen your personal understanding ngondro practices

For Aspiring Dharma Teachers

Become qualified to teach the Jonang Kalachakra Ngondro and Foundational Buddhism

Deepen Your Dharma Knowledge

Deepen your personal practice as you practice the ngondro or begin your journey to the completion stage yogas

September 2024 – September 2025

Why are we offering this rare opportunity to train
in teaching the Jonang Kalachakra Ngondro?

  • Receive direct instruction from Khentrul Rinpoche, the world’s only Jonang Kalachakra master to train lay students in the full path in English outside of Tibet. Rinpoche has bestowed more than 40 Kalachakra empowerments globally and has dedicated his life to this path. He is dedicated to helping transform our world using these Authentic teachings but in a revolutionary and modern way. 
  • Help transform the world into a Golden Age of Peace and Harmony
  • Deepen your own knowledge of the Authentic Jonang Kalachakra path to improve your practice
  • Help lead Dzokden Dharma practices in english or your langauge
  • We need more qualified teachers to help students globally in many langauges learn to practice the Jonang Kalachakra Ngondro. This course is designed to help create teachers that can lead students up to the Guru yoga aspect of the Kalachakra Ngondro. 

Cultivate Bodhisattva skillful means. Transform people’s lives into something meaningful and precious. 

This program is for Dharma practitioners who wish contribute to the Golden Age of peace and harmony by training in the Bodhisattva paramita of generosity of giving Dharma to those in need. You do not need to have a plan to immediately teach Dharma. You can also take this course to improve your understanding and knowledge. Rinpoche says that anyone on the Dharma path will at some point have to teach something if they are practicing the Mahayana path.

This online course is led by Shar Khentrul Rinpoche and teacher training assistant Yeshe Wangmo. Yeshe Wangmo has assisted Khentrul Rinpoche in his rituals and teachings since 2016. 

Who should apply?

  • Dharma practitioners who are already on the path and are not complete beginners in Tibetan Buddhism.
  • You have completed or are in the process of undertaking a traditional and authentic ngondro in any lineage.
  • You wish to bring about a Golden Age on our earth by sharing the wisdom and compassionate practice of the Jonang Kalachakra Dharma. 
  • Dzokden community members who wish to lead a practice group or teach the ngondro in any language as a practice of Guru and Karma yoga.  
  • Bodhisattvas who wish to teach the foundational aspects of Dharma in your local community or at your job.

You do not need to know if you will teach at this time. Many people think they want to teach, then decide not to. Others have too much humility and think they will never teach, but they do it. So if you are interested in this rare opportunity, do not miss out. 

Who is Qualified to Teach?

To understand who is qualified to teach, we need to understand the three vehicle of Dharma. Each one has a different student teacher relationship. Understanding the reason for this difference and what the differences are is important for us to distinguish at what capacity we can teach at, what we can teach and to whom.

Teacher of the Path of Personal Liberation.
Teacher of the Mahayana Path
Teacher of the Sutra
Vajrayana Master, Teacher of Tantra

In this video Khentrul Rinpoche discusses the qualities of a teacher and how all of us have the potential and have the chance to become a teacher if we are on the Bodhisattva path.

Qualities of a Dharma Teacher

Everyone has the fundamental quality to teach Dhama, which is BuddhaNature, the ultimate perfect quality of everything inherently. But not everyone has revealed their own sacred truth to the same degree. Ultimately, to be the ultimate teacher, you need to be free from the 2 extremes, but of course, we are not there yet, which is why we’re on the path. Some think that being a Dharma teacher is easy and do it for ego reasons. But it will not work from that perspective. You need to have the right motivation. At a minimum, you need these 4 qualities. The rest will come: 1) focus, 2) ethics, 3) wisdom, and 4) compassion.

On top of that, it’s good to have these qualities.

Stable mind, 

Flexible mind


Ethical mind






Loving nature




Good communication is one of the most important qualities because without the ability to be clear and precise in communication you can not help people with their understanding.

Course Modules

The course will cover all sections of the Joang Kalachakra Ngondro from the point of view of what is important for teaching. We are not teaching these subjects to people for the first time; it’s expected that you already have some familiarity with them.  We also provide standardized materials to help you teach and lead practices after this.  

Module 1: Overview of the Kalachakra Path

Ensure that you have complete clear understanding of both the traditional approach to the Jonang Kalachakra ngondro class as well as Khentrul Rinpoche’s flexible style. The ability to explain the Dzokden purpose and Golden Age Dharma is included in this module.

Module 2: Importance of an Authentic Lineage

With so much new age spirituality and practices around, people are not habituated to understanding and appreciating the importance and meaning of an authentic lineage. It’s importance to understand the Vajra Yoga lineage, Jonang, Zhentong and the connection with the Shambhala Dharma Kings. We also will focus on what is special about this lineage such as the unification of the sutra and Tantra view through the reliance on the of Asanga and Maitreya.

Module 3: Renunciation as a Process

In this section, we will examine renunciation as a process and consider how it can be understood using the 3 different vehicles of Buddhism. This section covers the three turnings of the wheel of Dharma, karma and the 4 thoughts that turn the mind, merit, renunciation and the 8 worldly concerns.

Module 4: Refuge and Levels of Faith

In this section, we discuss the importance and levels of refuge. This section covers the Rime view, cultivating unbiased appreciation and tolerance but still a clear direction in life. Once the direction is taken, we need to understand clearly the levels of refuge based on the vehicles. We also go through the views of levels of faith and their affect on strength of refuge and depth of understanding. 

Module 5: Generating for the Mind of Enlightenment

The courage to awaken sentient beings to their own sacred truth is based in the clarity and depth of the mind of enlightenment. We look at the stages and ways in which this can be cultivated such as the  the 6 perfections, the Bhumis, and the levels of Bodhisattva. This is particularly important to understand from the Jonang point of view on the path. 

Module 6: Many ways to Purify Karma

This section focuses on the meaning of purification, how we can purify, and the results of purification. Rather than look at purification as just Vajrasattva practice, Rinpoche wants to look at all how a practitioner in the Ngondro can purify karma. 

Module 7: Various Forms of Accumulating Merit

The accumulation of merit is an important part of the path. This section looks at the traditional concept of mandala offering and merit accumulation as well as many other skillful means in which a practitioner of the Jonang Kalachakra Ngondro can accumulate merit. It’s important to understand the reason why we do a practice and not get stuck in the practice itself.

Module 8: Role of a Dharma Teacher and Guru-Disciple Relationships

Both to understand your role as a teacher and to be clear on students’ relationship with the Guru, we must be clear on the various types of Dharma teachers. More importantly than that, we also have to understand what types of relationships people may have with these various types of teachers, but most importantly, the Guru.

Module 9: Practicing and Inspiring Guru Yoga

This section focuses on the practice of Guru yoga both traditionally, as in the text, and what it means in experience. This is very important to be able to help communicate with new students. We look at how to approach this subject genuinely and work towards cultivating unshakeable faith and devotion. Guru Yoga is a process not a single point in practice. We will explore why we need an Guru, the various forms of the Guru and what it means to have faith and work with each of these levels of Guru.  

Module 10: Preparing Students for Empowerment

At this stage on the path, you should have a firm understanding of guiding students through the basics of the Jonang Kalachakra Ngondro. It’s very important to understand all the flexible ways in which you can help students get the most out of an upcoming Kalachakra empowerment. This will make their experience smoother and potentially more powerful. Many people come from different backgrounds, so it’s important to know how Rinpoche approaches the Wang and at the many different levels and ways in which people of various background can approach this profound experience. 

Module 11: Best Practices in Teaching

In this section, we tackle Rinpoche’s approach to teaching, the traditional approach to teaching, and techniques we can learn from modern Western teaching. Rinpoche believes we need to use the best approaches we can and the same approach will not work for everyone. We further explore dealing with conflict in the community, guiding community members through mental and emotional obstacles brought out through practice, and the ethical conduct expected of a teacher. 

Module 12: Leading Practice Groups and Final Exam

In our final weekend intensive we will explore the Dzokden practice groups and have any exams or evaluations from Rinpoche. Small presentations of students may be made at this time or sent in advance. Rinpoche is still determining the exact format in which he will evaluate where a student is at and what they are ready to try teaching. This will be shared closer to our final group session. No matter what the outcome, everyone is guaranteed to have had the chance to grow a lot in this course.  

Program Format

Language: The course is only offered in English. Rinpoche encourages English as a second language students to participate in this program in hopes that you can go back and teach the Jonang Kalachakra Ngondro in their native language. 

Location: Online on Zoom and Learn.Dzokden.org 

Course Format:
This course comprises of approximately 148 hours of live online training. Participants should expect to spend an additional 4 -7 hours a week reading and practicing. 

The program has a 5-week cycle per module. Each module includes required reading, homework, practices, and online classes with discussions with Khentrul Rinpoche and teaching assistant Yeshe Wangmo. Practice teaching sessions and adult learning theory are included in the course. Rinpoche wants you to teach authentically and use the benefits of modern education systems. Towards the end of the course, the opportunity to lead Dzokden public practice sessions will be open to facilitate real-world experience.

Each module meets for the first three weeks for 2 hours, one week for 6 hours, and then has a weekend off. Times are published at least two months in advance. They will be optimized for the USA/ Europe timezone and try to be on a Sunday in Asia/Australia time zones. We can not guarantee the exact same time every week because of Khentrul Rinpoche’s travel and empowerment schedule.  For the full schedule see details at the Dzokden Learning center because the list is very long with many timezones.

Course Includes

  • Live Sessions with Khentrul Rinpoche or Yeshe Wangmo with Q&A. Over 50% of the course will be taught by Khentrul Rinpoche. Due to his schedule he has asked for flexibility in the remaining 50%. Live classes will be schedule as to not conflict with Khentrul Rinpoche’s empowerments and teachings. Classes may be canceled if necessary for this reason.
  • Group Discussions and Teaching practice sessions
  • Possible Written, Audio or Video Assignments to check for understanding. 

Class size is limited to foster participation.
There are limited spots available! Reserve your spot now to participate. The class size will be limited to 15-30 students so Rinpoche can give each one adequate attention. If there is a lot of interest, Rinpoche will consider adding another section of the course rather than increasing the cohort size. He does not plan to teach this again. If we break this up into more than one class, we will put you in the class that can be most optimized for your timezone. 

What will you be qualified to teach?

After this program, you will be qualified to teach the subjects that Rinpoche authorizes you to teach. This is very individual. At most, it would be up through the Jonang Kalachakra Ngondro Guru yoga. In general, it would be the foundational topic of Dharma. Rinpoche can not guarantee exactly what you can teach, as it depends on where you are in your practice, your understanding, and your attitude. He can guarantee you will understand Dharma much better at the end of this course. Teaching depends on more than just scholarly aptitude, which is important; it also depends on a good heart, communication, and people skills.

Rinpoche will decide personally what you are qualified to teach. Most students will be qualified to lead the Dzokden practice groups. We wish to establish leaders in many languages and areas of the world to support new students on this path. You may be qualified to teach Unveiling Your Sacred Truth Book 1 or 2, and an Intro to the Jonang Kalachakra ngondro program in your language.

Teaching Opportunities After the Program

Dzokden Practice Group Leader
Help organize and lead online and in-person ngondro, tsok, and Guru puja practices. We need more people globally to help support communities through the ngondro, especially in additional languages to English. Many people have difficulty completing this independently, so that is why there are 3 jewels: the Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha. We need our Vajra brothers and sisters to help us stick through the practice until we have developed the discipline to do it independently. Those selected for practice groups will go on to receive further training in the specific practices needed for the practice groups. 

Teaching the Introductory modules of Sacred Truth Book 1 and 2
Teach or Co-teach an introduction to Buddhism course on the subjects in book 1 and 2
Teach or Co-teach an Online Ngondro course
Teach or Co-teach our Golden Age or Shambhala workshops

Actively respond to practice Questions in our Online Student Ngondro Area 

Help Rinpoche when he visits your area. 
When Rinpoche travels and gives teachings, he can only give the teachings for so many hours in a row for his health. We often invite a senior student to help lead practices or teach a section of the workshop.

Evaluation of Teaching Competency
At the end of the program, Khentrul Rinpoche will personally evaluate the stage at which each student is qualified to teach. Even if you have finished the whole program and done all the work, there is no guarantee that Rinpoche will decide you can teach any subject. Of course, you can always help share the Dharma with others. This does not prohibit that. But for students wishing to help lead a Dzokden practice group or course, Rinpoche will evaluate what is best for you to teach. This will be based on your understanding, ability to communicate your understanding, heart, and effort. He needs to check that not only do you understand the teachings, but you also understand his authentic yet flexible approach to the Dharma.

What are the requirements for Dzokden Teachers?
For those who wish to teach for Dzokden or lead a practice group, you will be asked to co-teach various courses and retreats for practice with the group. Rinpoche may also request that you assist in teaching when he travels to your area to allow you further in-person teacher training.

Please note:
If you are taking this intending to be a Dzokden practice group leader, teaching assistant to Rinpoche, or instructor in our Dzokden courses, you will be asked before engaging in any teaching if you have any mental health issues or criminal record. You do not need to disclose this information to take this course, but we will let you know in case it affects your plans. Having a mental health condition does not rule you out from teaching for Dzokden, but a criminal record does. Rinpoche is happy to have you study and practice personally in that case but not take on a community leadership role.

Question: Will I get paid as a Dzokden Teacher or practice group leader?
No. All offerings of teaching are an opportunity to practice the Paramita of generosity. Teachers at Dzokden are volunteers and not currently paid. Right now, everyone is making an offering to the Guru to help us build Dzokden to create Rinpoche’s vision. We are not a rich organization. You can look at our yearly financial statements to understand, but we put what we have into helping us make teaching accessible globally and fulfill Rinpoche’s visions.  Some full-time residential volunteers receive a stipend for living. This is not a specific payment for teaching.

Question: Can I teach what I want at Dzokden?
No. Rinpoche approves each teacher in our Dzokden community and gives feedback on teachings. He evaluates each person and tells you what you can teach.

Code of Conduct for Teachers
While we are a group practicing the ethics of tantra, Rinpoche still has taken time to put together a code of conduct for teachers in our community that will inspire faith in those practicing the Sutra paths.  

Additional Information


Applicants must be Tibetan Buddhist practitioners who have studied and practiced a ngondro in an authentic lineage. You do not need to have completed a ngondro.  The key is that you have studied the philosophy and have started to familiarize your mind with the Mahayana or Vajrayana path. If you have not practiced the Jonang Kalachakra ngondro, you must sincerely aspire to share the Jonang Kalachakra lineage. If you are a student of Rinpoche’s already studying the Jonang Kalachakra lineage, you can take this course to help prepare for the Higher Empowements or Vajra yogas.

Required Reading Materials

This course will use many of Khentrul Rinpoche’s books. They will not be provided for as part of the course. You must own them or purchase them in addition to the tuition. Books that we may be using in this course include:

Unveiling Your Sacred Truth Book 1 
Unveiling Your Sacred Truth Book 2 
Hidden Treasure of the Profound Path Word-by-Word Commentary
Realm of Shambhala 
Profound Path of Vajra Yoga

Teacher Training Assistant

Yeshe Wangmo, a student of Khentrul Rinpoches’ since 2015, is assisting him in this program. She has been helping Rinpoche with his teachings globally since 2016 and is familiar with Khentrul Rinpoche’s specific teaching style and approach to the Dharma. There may be other teaching assistants invited by Rinpoche at his discretion, based on the schedule and needs of the course. 


Program Tuition Fee


This year-long course will take up much of Khentrul Rinpoche’s time as well as the Dzokden staff and support team. We are looking for people who genuinely care about helping these teachings and lineage flourish so that we may have a Golden Age.  We have worked hard to keep our costs down as we know you are doing this for altruistic motivation. We still need to cover operational costs. The course deposit is $500 USD. The remaining balance can be paid in full or in 12 monthly installments. The decision to accept you into the program will be made within one month of your application. If Rinpoche has additional questions for you, Yeshe Wangmo will contact you. Once you are accepted, you will be sent the bill for a $500 USD deposit to secure your spot. 

Sangha Sustainer Tuition

$4500 USD
$500 deposit + $4000 Tuition
$500 deposit + 12 monthly $333
This helps you and another aspiring teacher go through the program. Your generosity directly supports our ability to offer the scholarships and flexible rates.

Normal Tuition Fee

$3500 USD
$500 deposit + $3000 Tuition
$500 deposit + 12 monthly $250

This covers the cost of running this program and supporting Rinpoche’s vision.

Subsidized Tuition

$2500 USD
$500 Deposit + $2000 Tuition
$500 Deposit + 12 monthly $166
This is for students in countries and areas of the world with lower costs of living or who have very limited incomes.

Financial Aid Request

There is a very limited number of financial aid-based scholarship positions. You need to explain your reasons for the scholarship request focused on the priorities in your life and why you cannot pay the course rates based on these life priorities and circumstances. 

Apply for the September 2024 – 2025 Program

Space is limited. Application decisions are made monthly.

If you have any questions, please contact [email protected]