Long-Life and Wellbeing: 5 Tseringma Sisters Empowerment
This event is available both Online and In-person.
Awaken Vitality and Longevity with Khentrul Rinpoche
Khentrul Rinpoche has generously offered a weekend of powerful empowerments and practices to strengthen our life force and wellbeing. The first one on Saturday is of the 5 Tseringma sisters who are connected with all lineages of Vajrayana. The second Namgyalma (Ushnisha Vijaya) is on Sunday at the same venue and online. See here for Sunday’s details.
We have this rare and precious human life—and we must use it wisely. The future is uncertain, but as Bodhisattvas and aspiring Bodhisattvas, we have a responsibility to create the best conditions for a long, meaningful life dedicated to Dharma practice.
Aging, sickness, and death are inevitable. But how we meet them—with strength, clarity, and resilience—is within our power. While we may not erase all karmic seeds of illness, we can weaken their grip and plant the causes for a healthier, more vibrant future.
The Power of the 5 Tseringma Sisters
The 5 Tseringma Sisters—powerful Dharma protectors—support sincere practitioners in countless ways. They grant not only long life but also the resources essential for practice: health, sustenance, stability, and abundance. Khentrul Rinpoche reminds us that the most direct way to receive their aid is to be an excellent practitioner—because they are bound by oath to support those walking the Dharma path. Still, through focused practice, we can strengthen our connection to these protectors and amplify their blessings in our lives.
Connecting with the Mountain Spirits
In Tibet and the Himalayas, people have long honored the unseen forces of the land—mountain spirits and protectors who shape the energy of our world. Through their stories, we open ourselves to the unseen, cultivating a deep sense of wonder and gratitude for the vast reality beyond what we perceive. After receiving the empowerment to connect with these protectors, we will recite prayers together, anchoring their blessings in our lives.
Come deepen your connection to the Dharma protectors, extend your life force, and strengthen your Dharma path.
There are no formal prerequisites. Previous Buddhist study and practice are helpful but not required. Like all vajrayana practices you are taking refuge, bodhisattva vows and forming Samaya with the master.
Schedule by Timezone
Hong Kong, Shanghai, Mongolia, Singapore and Taiwan
SATURDAY September 13, 2025
10:00 PM – Session 1: 5 Tseringma Sisters Empowerment & Oral Transmission
SUNDAY September 14, 2025
1:00 AM – Session 2: Stories and Practices
1) Register for each attendee that will be receiving the empowerment. You will receive a confirmation email. All of our online events use the Dzokden learning center. If you are not already enrolled in it, you will be invited to learn.dzokden.org
2) You can come in person or watch online. You will receive access to the zoom for each of the sessions. The empowerment must be received in real time. There are no recordings available of the empowerment.
It’s customary at the end of empowerment for students to make an offering of Dana to the guru. As this is an online event, you can make the offering of Dana to Rinpoche here.
Please email [email protected]
Khentrul Rinpoche
夏.堪祖嘉培珞珠仁波切是國際機構Dzokden(音譯:卓登)的創始人及精神導師。仁波切亦是Unveiling Your Sacred Truth(《照見真實》)、The Great Middle Way : Clarifying the Jonang View of Other-Emptiness(暫譯:大中觀:覺囊派他空見)、A Happier Life(暫譯:美好的生命)、The Hidden Treasure of the Profound Path(聖道秘寶:《神聖的階梯 》詳釋》)等書的作者。
仁波切二十歳前在西藏高藏上放牧及誦持真言咒語。受到菩薩的感召,他離開家庭,到多間寺院參學,得到二十五位以上的大師指導,廣習所有藏傳佛教的傳承。正因為這種不論派別的學習,他獲得「利美」(Rimé)大師之銜,亦被認證為時輪金剛大師雅旺確津嘉措(Ngawang Chözin Gyatso)的轉世。仁波切教學的核心是認識到全世界有眾多多樣化而有價值的心靈傳承。當中,他專注傳揚覺囊派的時輪教法(Kalachakra),這是殊勝之道,能讓外在環境與內在身心靈世界和諧一致,超越地帶來黃金時代的平和與和諧 (Dzokden)。
夏.堪祖仁波切以弘揚這些珍貴的教法為終身使命,致力於將其翻譯成多種語言,並在全球內傳播,希望能夠從每一個人的內在開始,一個人接著一個人地改變,從而真正改變我們的世界。 -
夏.堪祖仁波切Non-Sectarian Master of Kalachakra
夏.堪祖嘉培珞珠仁波切是國際機構Dzokden(音譯:卓登)的創始人及精神導師。仁波切亦是Unveiling Your Sacred Truth(《照見真實》)、The Great Middle Way : Clarifying the Jonang View of Other-Emptiness(暫譯:大中觀:覺囊派他空見)、A Happier Life(暫譯:美好的生命)、The Hidden Treasure of the Profound Path(聖道秘寶:《神聖的階梯 》詳釋)等書的作者。
仁波切二十歳前在西藏高原上放牧及誦持真言咒語。受到菩薩的感召,他離開家庭,到多間寺院參學,得到二十五位以上的大師指導,廣習所有藏傳佛教的傳承。正因為這種不論派別的學習,他獲得「利美」(Rimé)大師之銜,亦被認證為時輪金剛大師雅旺確津嘉措(Ngawang Chözin Gyatso)的轉世。仁波切教學的核心是認識到全世界有眾多多樣化而有價值的心靈傳承。當中,他專注傳揚覺囊派的時輪教法(Kalachakra),這是殊勝之道,能讓外在環境與內在身心靈世界和諧一致,超越地帶來黃金時代的平和與和諧 (Dzokden)。