Jonang Kalachakra King of Tantra Retreat
This event is available both Online and In-person.
This page is for Online Registration Only. If you wish to register for the In-person event, please click here.
5-Day Practice Retreat w/ Khentrul Rinpoche
February 7-12, 2025 in Thailand
The Jonang lineage is the only school of Buddhism that teaches the complete path of Kalachakra, the highest yoga Tantra, known as the King of Tantra, from start to enlightenment. Khentrul Rinpoche is the only master currently bestowing the whole path from the Ngondro to completion stage upon qualified non-monastic practitioners globally.. Khentrul Rinpoche has made it his life’s mission to spread the teachings of Shambhala as it is prophesied that they will bring a Golden age of peace to our earth.
By the request of a sponsor in Singapore, Khentrul Rinpoche will bestow a Kalachakra Ngondro practice retreat in Thailand, a location that is very easy to visit for everyone across Asia. This 5-day retreat will help students who are in process or are just beginning to practice the very precious Jonang Kalachakra preliminary practices. Attendees will gain a deeper understanding of how to practice the Ngondro along with the precious Guru and Kalachaka Tsok pujas that tantrikas practice monthly. This is the perfect retreat to clarify your practice and if you wish to further prepare yourself to move towards the Higher Empowerments and the 6 Vajra Yogas of the completion stage that Rinpoche is currently bestowing through 2029.

Extraordinary Rare Vishvamata Empowerment, the Feminine Aspect of Kalachakra
Part of this path of transformation to enlightenment requires the harmonization and unification of female and male energies within ourselves. The Yab-Yum deity of the Kalachakra mandala is often referred to as Kalachakra but is actually the inseparable union of the ultimate masculine Kalachakra, in union with the ultimate feminine, Vishvamata. Their combined qualities represent the ultimate love, wisdom and compassion fused into immutable bliss and empty form. The empowerment of the feminine form, Vishvamata Empowerment (Jenang) is almost never bestowed. Khentrul Rinpoche will bestow this rare Jonang practice along with a practice text as part of the retreat. We can embrace the true energies of the female and male aspect within ourselves to transform our world. Khentrul Rinpoche will give teachings to clarify what these aspects are and various ways to work with them.
The retreat will be held at the Manjushri Center of the Karma Kagyu around 40 minutes of the International Airport Don Mueang. RETREAT PROGRAM FEES COVER
-5 Night Stay at the Manjushri Center of the Karma Kagyu in Thailand (for In-person attendees only)
-Vishvamata Jenang and access to the Dzokden Learning Center
-Ngondro practice text in digital form is included
-Sadhana in digital form is included
-Daily guided teachings, practice sessions, and or pujas by Shar Khentrul Rinpoche Jamphel Lodrö, monks and Julie O’Donnell
-Authentic traditional accommodations, all meals included (for In-person attendees only)
-Transportation is not included (for In-person attendees only)

Who can come?
Prerequisite While Khentrul Rinpoche welcomes everyone to join who wishes to practice Kalachakra. This practice retreat will dive into the preliminary practice of the Jonang Kalachakra Ngondro. This teachings is open to anyone who genuinely wants to practice Kalachakra but it is best suited to students who have some basic understanding of the Vajrayana buddhist path, experience with Guru and Deity yoga as well as a flexible mind. This is a great way to get to know Khentrul Rinpoche better in person in a small intimate environment. It’s important as a student of Vajrayana to develop an actual relationship with the Guru so that he can help you the most on your path. What languages will be offered? The event is in English but Chinese translation will be available if you bring a phone with a data plan and a headset to listen.
Schedule by Timezone
Hanoi, Vietnam
FRIDAY February 7, 2025
7:00 PM — Session 1: Welcome Teaching
SATURDAY February 8, 2025
9:00 AM – 11:00 AM — Session 2: Vishvamata Jenang and Teaching
11:30 AM – 12:30 PM — Session 3: Oral Transmission and Vishvamata Practice
2:00 PM – 4:30 PM — Session 4: Intro to the Jonan Kalachakra Ngondro with a short Tea break
7:00 PM – 9:00 PM — Session 5: Evening Teaching
SUNDAY February 9, 2025
9:00 AM – 11:00 AM — Session 6: Ngondro Teaching Session
11:30 AM – 12:30 PM — Session 7: Practice Session
2:00 PM – 4:30 PM — Session 8: Ngondro Teaching with short Tea break
7:00 PM – 9:00 PM — Session 9: Ngondro Teaching
MONDAY February 10, 2025
9:00 AM – 11:00 AM — Session 10: Teachings on Guru Yoga and Guru Puja
11:30 AM – 12:30 PM — Session 11: Ngondro Practice Session
2:00 PM – 4:30 PM — Session 12: Ngondro Teaching with a short Tea break
7:00 PM – 9:00 PM — Session 13: Guru Puja
TUESDAY February 11, 2025
9:00 AM – 11:00 AM — Session 14: Teaching on the Kalachakra Tsok
11:30 AM – 12:30 PM — Session 15: Ngondro Practice Session
2:00 PM – 4:30 PM — Session 16: Ngondro with a short Tea break
7:00 PM – 9:00 PM — Session 17: Kalachakra Tsok
WEDNESDAY February 12, 2025
9:00 AM — Session 18: King of Tantra and the Golden Age – What to do Now to Transform our World + Closing Prayers
Suggested Reading
There is no required preparation. If you want to familiarize your mind with any of the material related to the trip we have selected a few of the texts.
Unveiling Your Sacred Truth 1 or Unveiling Your Sacred Truth 2 by Khentrul Rinpoche
The Kalachakra Path offers a profound method for actualizing your greatest potential and contributing to greater peace and harmony within this world. For the first time ever, this extraordinary path is revealed in a step-by-step manner, allowing students to gradually approach this uniquely comprehensive system in a structured and methodical way.
Please bring the Profound Path of Vajra Yoga Prayer Book or the Ngondro prayers with you. Available at store.dzokden.org Please access the learning center in advance for the Vishvamata texts.
As this is an online event, you can make the offering of Dana to Rinpoche here.
Email [email protected]
Khentrul Rinpoche
Khentrul Rinpoché Jamphel Lodrö là người sáng lập và là nhà lãnh đạo tâm linh của học viện Dzokden. Rinpoche là tác giả của những cuốn sách: Khám phá Chân lý tối thượng, Con đường Trung Đạo vĩ đại, Làm sáng đèn Tha Không Kiến của dòng Jonang, Sống hạnh phúc hơn, Kho báu Ẩn tàng của Đạo lộ Uyên thâm, Vén Mở Chân Lý Thiêng liêng Qua Con Đường Thời Luân.
Rinpoche đã dành 20 năm đầu tiên của cuộc đời để chăn bò yak và tụng chú trên các cao nguyên của Tây Tạng. Được các vị Bồ tát truyền cảm hứng, Ngài rời gia đình để tu học trong nhiều tu viện dưới sự hướng dẫn của hơn 25 đạo sư trong tất cả các truyền thống Phật giáo Tây Tạng. Do cách tiếp cận không theo giáo phái của mình, Ngài có danh hiệu là Đạo sư Rimé (Bất bộ phái) và được xác định là hóa thân của Đạo sư Kalachakra nổi tiếng Ngawang Chözin Gyatso. Trong khi cốt lõi giáo lý của Ngài là sự thừa nhận rằng có giá trị to lớn trong sự đa dạng của tất cả các truyền thống tâm linh được tìm thấy trên thế giới này; Ngài tập trung vào truyền thống Jonang-Shambhala. Giáo lý Kalachakra (bánh xe thời gian) chứa đựng những phương pháp thậm thâm, giúp làm hài hòa môi trường bên ngoài và nội tâm bên trong, cuối cùng mang lại thời kỳ hoàng kim của an bình và hòa hợp (Dzokden).