March 2025
為了成就黃金世紀的願景與圓滿自身的法道修行,我們需要全方位的護持。因此,我們特別安排這一輪的共修。如果你有幸領受此法,誠摯邀請你一同參與。共修僅限已從 夏.堪祖仁波切(Shar Khentrul Rinpoché)座下領受 忿怒時輪金剛力護輪成就法(Vajra Vega Wheel of Protection)的弟子參與。
ONLINE. This program will be in English. We will not be able to offer live translations in any other language, however, we can offer access to the practice texts in various languages. Please send in your registration at the bottom as soon as you decide to register so that we can plan accordingly. Later registration and starting are […]
This event is available Online only. Why become a Buddhist? To realize Buddhahood. But what is Buddhahood? What is enlightenment? What is Buddha Nature? Do you have it? Do you need to grow it? Do you find it? Do you realize it? Do you reveal it? The first step in any journey is gathering as […]
April 2025
阿彌陀佛是繼釋迦牟尼佛之後最廣為人知的佛陀。一些中國佛教傳統只專注於修習阿彌陀佛法門,許多藏傳佛教徒也專注於這法門,因為在阿彌陀佛相關的經典中提到,祂發下了許多誓願,幫助眾生輕易往生西方極樂淨土。夏.堪祖仁波切的兩位上師,包括仁波切的根本上師 大堪布喇嘛龍程Lama Lobsang Trinlé,都非常強調彌陀法門,特別是對居士修行者。
我們將在全年持續供養龍王,以利益黃金世紀的滿願成就,圓滿 夏.堪祖仁波切(Khentrul Rinpoche)的一切願景,並饒益一切眾生。
This is a FREE event and available Online only. We invite everyone to participate in the accumulation of 21st Tara Marichi’s Mantra and Rinpoche’s Guru Name mantra for Shar Khentrul Jamphel Lodro Rinpoche’s Birthday. This year we hope to strengthen our connection with Rinpoche so that we may all cultivate the capacity to support him […]
As the moon begins to wane, we focus on purification so that we can clear away any obstacles existing in our minds and thus prepare ourselves to realize our most sacred truth. 6.30 PM – 7.45 PM Vienna time (CET/CEST) We practice on most Dakini Days (25th day of the moon calendar) You can come to all […]
為了成就黃金世紀的願景與圓滿自身的法道修行,我們需要全方位的護持。因此,我們特別安排這一輪的共修。如果你有幸領受此法,誠摯邀請你一同參與。共修僅限已從 夏.堪祖仁波切(Shar Khentrul Rinpoché)座下領受 忿怒時輪金剛力護輪成就法(Vajra Vega Wheel of Protection)的弟子參與。
May 2025
This event is available ONLINE ONLY. Registration at the Dzokden Kalapa website. 8-week course online in English. Every Saturday from the 3rd of May to the 21st of June (+ an additional session on the 28th of June) All Dates: May 3rd, 10th, 17th, 24th, 31st | June 7th, 14th, 21st (+additional 28th) 2.00 p.m. – 4.00 […]
This event is available both In-person and Online. There is a reason why great spiritual teachers, from Rumi and Osho to many others throughout history, speak so much about love: the path to realization is the path of the heart. All of tantra is simple—it’s contained, from start to finish, in the path of devotion […]
This is a FREE event and available both Online and In-person. On this incredibly auspicious full moon day hundreds of years ago, Shakyamuni Buddha in the form of the Yidam Deity appeared in Amravati to turn the wheel of Dharma. On this incredible day marking the month of Nagpa Dawa, at the request of Dharma […]
我們將在全年持續供養龍王,以利益黃金世紀的滿願成就,圓滿 夏.堪祖仁波切(Khentrul Rinpoche)的一切願景,並饒益一切眾生。