7:30 PM giờ Trung Âu, ngày 24 tháng 6.
0:30 AM ngày 25 tháng 6, Hà Nội.
Mọi người đều có thể tham dự.
Khentrul Rinpoche sẽ ban một bài giới thiệu về bản tôn Marichi, đức Tara thứ 21và là hộ pháp của bản thân ngài. Bản tôn Marichi là nữ hộ pháp cõi Shambhala. Điều này rất đặc biệt đối với chúng ta, bởi Rinpoche sẽ ban giáo lý này từ Kalapa, biểu trưng cho trung tâm cõi Shambhala.
Có truyền trực tiếp trên facebook bằng tiếng Anh. Dịch đồng thời trên Zoom. Vui lòng nhấp vào liên kết dưới đây để tham dự:
Passcode: 485506
Webinar ID: 831 7198 3401
Nếu bạn quan tâm đến lễ Quán đỉnh Marichi vào ngày hôm sau và Nhập thất thực sự, xin hãy đăng ký tại đây [click here]
This retreat is in-person at Suchandra Institute. It is offered in English. You can still fly and partipcate, read the sadhana in your own langauges and do the practice sessions. Translation may be possible but not guaranteed to organize potentially for Rinpoche’s teaching if needed and for the meditation interview for qualified students.
You can choose any combination of weeks.
WEEK 1: 25th September – 2nd October (Sunday to Sunday)
WEEK 2: 2nd October – 9th October
WEEK 3: 9th October – 16th October
WEEK 4: 16th October – 23th October
We are grateful to be able to offer the Three Isolations (Wensum) Retreat at the beautiful Kalachakra Kalapa Retreat Center in the Austrian mountains. This dark retreat is a rare opportunity to practice in a similar way to how aspiring yogis practice during a traditional 3-year retreat. The retreat will support the participants to cultivate the Three Isolations of Body, Speech and Mind as a solid ground for entering into the Kalachakra Completion Stage of the Six Vajra Yogas.
Tudor Sucala has kindly offered to lead this year’s in-person retreat at the Kalachakra Retreat Center. He is one of Rinpoche’s senior students and has previously completed two long wensum retreats.
Online Teaching and Personal Meditation Guidance from Khentrul Rinpoche
The retreat will have 4 weeks in total. Participants are welcome to take part in all of them or the weeks of your choosing. Khentrul Rinpoche will give 1 teaching per week and personal meditation interviews via zoom, in order to discuss meditation progress and help alleviate obstacles to the practice. We will organize it and provide all the necessary devices.
All participants must have received the Four Higher Empowerments of Kalachakra with instructions for the Three Isolations from Shar Khentrul Rinpoche. Everyone who has already taken these Higher Empowerments is automatically approved for participation. If you have not received them yet and have the aspiration to do so, fulfill the request here.
(Note: the Four Higher Empowerments of Kalachakra are not the same Kalachakra Empowerments which Rinpoche gave in Hong Kong in 2020 and in other places as in Vienna in 2019, which are called “The 7 Empowerments of a Growing Child”. If you are not sure that you have received the Four Higher Empowerments, write to us before starting your registration.)
Oral Transmission In September Required
Rinpoche has agreed that his new concise sadhana “Secret Dakini Treasure” may be included in the daily schedule as well. You must participate in his oral transmission and commentary for the new Sadhana that will be given in September. See Dzokden.org for details.
Retreat Infos and Guidelines
This is a strict retreat. The retreat will be closed and in silence. No visitors, no computers, no mobile phones. Participants are expected to follow the retreat guidelines respectfully, not only for their own practice’s success, but for avoiding disturbing others as well. Participation in the group sessions is obligatory, unless important health conditions do not allow it. If this is the case, this should be discussed in advance with the retreat leader and if necessary with Rinpoche as well. Personal phones and other electronic devices (laptops etc.) will be stored in the office. If someone needs to contact you in case of emergency, they can write an e-mail to [email protected] and call at +43 676 395 8898. Both e-mailbox and phone will be checked once a day during lunch time.
Materials and Guidelines
Bring your Profound Path of Vajra Book with its commentary “The Hidden Treasure” and the Higher Empowerments Booklet as a reference for your practice. Other reading materials not directly related to the wensum practice are not allowed. Rinpoche has agreed that his new concise sadhana “Secret Dakini Treasure” may be included in the daily schedule as well. You must participate in his oral transmission and commentary for the new Sadhana that will be given in September. See Dzokden.org for details.
Pay it Forward – Volunteer Opportunities
This is a strict retreat where the participants should avoid engaging in too much physical activity and unnecessarily interacting with others. Because of that, we need at least one volunteer for cooking (breakfast, lunch and light dinner). Depending on the number of participants, more than one volunteer may be needed. The volunteer will have a space separate from the retreatants and can enjoy all the retreat center spaces, except for the Gompa during the practice sessions. Differently from the participants, the volunteer can have access to electronic devices, WLAN etc. This is an extraordinary opportunity to generate merit and create the causes for yourself engaging in this practice in the future. Rinpoche strongly encourages us to support our dharma brothers and sisters through volunteering.
If you are considering this opportunity, please write as soon as possible to [email protected], so that we can arrange a video call in order to plan your participation. It is not necessary to volunteer for the whole retreat. You can offer as much as possible according to your possibilities.
November 28 Schedule by Timezone
10:00 PM Melbourne Australia
7:00 PM Hong Kong
12:00 PM Noon Vienna, Austria
6:00 AM New York
3:00 am San Francisco
About this Talk
This year we have completed the Stupa of Unity to help create the conditions for the global universal Sangha and all Dharma communities to have peace and harmony. While this stupa is a good step this is not enough.
We must take action ourselves to achieve the unity.
All communities around the world face challenges finding appreciation, respect, love and harmony in between the people within them. Everywhere in the world people become annoyed with each other and find faults and limtiations. Dharma communities are no different but the effect of having these challenges is not the same. Rinpoche will help guide us to find ways to work through our obstacles with each other.
There is power in unity. This empowers us to work swiftly and harmoniously together all over the world to bring about the Golden Age of Peace and Harmony.
Zoom Link
Passcode: 108108
Webinar ID: 843 9013 4447
Zoom và Facebook Live.
Thông dịch sẽ được xác định sau.
Giờ địa phương:
Hà Nội: 6:00 giờ chiều ngày 5 tháng 12
Theo yêu cầu của nhiều Phật tử, Rinpoche, với lòng nhân từ, sẽ hướng dẫn một cuộc thảo luận và tranh luận về Tình yêu, Tình dục và Mối quan hệ. Đây là một lĩnh vực có nhiều sự nhầm lẫn giữa các hành giả và các hành giả có tiềm năng. Rinpoche rất sẵn lòng trả lời các câu hỏi cho chúng ta để mọi người có thể học cách sinh hoạt với tất cả các khía cạnh của cuộc sống của chúng ta trên con đường đạo. Những câu hỏi thường nêu ra bao gồm, liệu tôi có thể yêu một Phật tử khác trong cộng đồng Phật tử không? Tôi có cần phải ly hôn với người bạn đời không thực hành Kim Cương thừa không? Tôi có cần phải bỏ nhà cửa và tất cả gia đình của mình để làm việc này không? Nếu tôi nhận quán đỉnh có nghĩa là tôi không bao giờ có thể có quan hệ tình dục? Nếu tôi nhận quán đỉnh, có nghĩa là tôi phải có quan hệ tình dục? Vì tantra thời đại mới nên chúng ta có rất nhiều nỗi sợ hãi, bối rối và phấn khích xung quanh ý nghĩa của sự quán đỉnh. Xin hãy mang những câu hỏi và những khúc mắc để Rinpoche có thể trả lời tất cả cho bạn.
Xin nhấn vào kết nối dưới đây để vào webinar:
Webinar ID: 860 3023 7280
Passcode: 108108
Cúng dường cho Rinpoche
Schedule By Timezone
11:00 AM November 7 Melbourne
8:00 AM November 7 Hong Kong
1:00 AM November 7 Vienna, Austria
7:00 PM November 6 New York New York
4:00 PM November 6 San Francisco, California
About the Puja All are welcome there is no need to RSVP. You can come in-person or come online. We will be celebrating the completion of Khentrul Rinpoche’s new smoke offering burner at the Tibetan Buddhist Rime Institute in Australia. We plan to be able to use this to make Jintek, Sang and Sur offerings. We will make the first offerings to all the Local Deities and spirits to purify Karma and create conditions for the Golden Age to Flourish. Sang is a cleansing and purifying practice that clears away obstructions to practice and in the mindstream of the practitioners. This practice we make offerings to all sentient beings and the 3 jewels. Online Zoom Attendance or Facebook
When: Nov 27, 2021 11:00 AM Canberra, Melbourne, Sydney Topic: Sang Offering Puja
Please click the link below to join the webinar:
Passcode: 108108
Webinar ID: 838 1308 3364
Make an Offering
Donate on the Tibetan Buddhist Rime Institute Site to make an offering to this Puja